
Fairfield County

If there is one thing that I love just as much as old Life Magazine pictures from the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, is Fairfield County Connecticut. A Continuous Lean posted these the other day of the carefree, endless days of summer in this part of the country. Looking at these makes me truly wish that I had lived in this era, in this area. 


Christine said...

Great pictures! Fairfield is nice but it's the eastern shoreline of the state that's the best place to go.

Unknown said...

i'm from darien! i knew something looked familiar when i saw the train station! too funny. the photography is lovely :)

Ashleigh said...

lovely images! i love the women's hairstyles :)

The Shiny Pebble said...

So Stepford Wife-esque... I love it!

M.P.G. said...


Unknown said...

I am sooo with you! Weird for me to be nostalgic for a time before (albeit right before) I was born..but I am!

become wardrobe consultant said...

Fashion style of the early days so adorable!